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- Dropletcombustion5 is the version which floor the small mass fraction(smaller than massfractionTolerance) to 0.00 ;
- Dropletcombustion6 is the version where the Antoine parameters are those of water ;
- Version 7 change the hardcode some tolerance after ignition:Max T> 1800K
- version 8: the x in the main.cpp is changed to the maxGradPosition
- version 9: isothermPosition function in residue.cpp is revised for droplet combustion
- version 10: both xOld and x is the position of isoTherm ;
- version 11: both xOld and x is the position of maximum curvature;
- DropletCombustionTest: test the variables in the program
- DropletCombustionTest1: Multiple the l function by 10.0
- DropletCombustionTest2: Multiple the l function by 100.0 and remove print timeScale;
- DropletCombustionTest3: Multiple the l function by 10.0 and print the maxTemp and add criteria for regrid
- DropletCombustionTest4: dxRatio to be 1.0e-2 and delta_T to be 150 [K]
- DropletCombustionTest5: dxRatio to be 1.0 and print x and xOld temperature, modified the fillGrid function;
- DropletCombustionTest7: JJRG has been implemented;