- /*
- _____ ___ ____ ____
- |_ _/ _ \| _ \ / ___|
- | || | | | |_) | |
- | || |_| | _ <| |___
- |_| \___/|_| \_\\____|
- */
- #include "UserData.h"
- #include "solution.h"
- #include "residue.h"
- #include "macros.h"
- #include "timing.h"
- #include <ida/ida.h>
- #include <ida/ida_direct.h>
- #include <sunmatrix/sunmatrix_band.h>
- #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_lapackband.h>
- //#include <ida/ida_band.h>
- static int check_flag(void *flagvalue,
- const char *funcname,
- int opt);
- void freeAtLast(void* mem, N_Vector *y,
- N_Vector *ydot,
- N_Vector *res,
- N_Vector *id,
- N_Vector *atolv,
- N_Vector *constraints,UserData data);
- int main(){
- // Read input file specifying the details of the case and store them
- FILE *input;input=fopen("input.dat","r");
- UserData data;data=NULL;data=allocateUserData(input);
- fclose(input);
- data->clockStart=get_wall_time();
- if(data==NULL){
- printf("check input file!\n");
- freeUserData(data);
- return(-1);
- }
- // Allocate solution variables
- long int ier,mu,ml,count,netf,ncfn,njevals,nrevals;
- realtype tNow,*atolvdata,*constraintsdata,finalTime,dtMax,tolsfac;
- N_Vector y,ydot,id,res,atolv,constraints;
- y=ydot=id=res=atolv=constraints=NULL;
- ier=allocateSolution(data->neq,data->nThreads,&y,&ydot,&id,&res,&atolv,&constraints);
- ier=setAlgebraicVariables(&id,data);
- ier=setInitialCondition(&y,&ydot,data);
- if(ier==-1)return(-1);
- tNow=data->tNow;
- finalTime=data->finalTime;
- //TODO: dtMax should be a user input
- dtMax = 1e-4;
- double* ydata;
- double* ydotdata;
- ydata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(y);
- ydotdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(ydot);
- ////////// DEBUG ///////////////////
- //double* resdata;
- //double* iddata;
- //resdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(res);
- //iddata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(id);
- ///////////////////////////////////
- void *mem;mem=NULL;mem = IDACreate();
- ier = IDASetUserData(mem, data);
- ier = IDASetId(mem, id);
- ier = IDAInit(mem, residue, tNow, y, ydot);
- // Atol array
- atolvdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(atolv);
- for (size_t i = 1; i <=data->npts; i++) {
- atolT(i) = data->temperatureTolerance;
- for (size_t k = 1; k <=data->nsp; k++) {
- if(k!=data->k_bath){
- atolY(i,k) = data->massFractionTolerance;
- }
- else{
- atolY(i,k) = data->bathGasTolerance;
- }
- }
- atolR(i) = data->radiusTolerance;
- atolP(i) = data->pressureTolerance;
- atolMdot(i) = data->MdotTolerance;
- }
- ier = IDASVtolerances(mem, data->relativeTolerance, atolv);
- mu = 2*data->nvar; ml = mu;
- SUNMatrix A; A=NULL;
- A=SUNBandMatrix(data->neq,mu,ml,mu+ml);
- SUNLinearSolver LS; LS=NULL;
- //LS=SUNBandLinearSolver(y,A);
- LS=SUNLapackBand(y,A);
- ier=IDADlsSetLinearSolver(mem,LS,A);
- //ier = IDABand(mem, data->neq, mu, ml);
- constraintsdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_OpenMP(constraints);
- if(data->setConstraints){
- for (size_t i = 1; i <=data->npts; i++) {
- for (size_t k = 1; k <=data->nsp; k++) {
- constraintsY(i,k) = ONE;
- }
- }
- ier=IDASetConstraints(mem, constraints);
- }
- if(!data->quasiSteady){
- constraintsR(1) = ONE;
- ier=IDASetConstraints(mem, constraints);
- }
- ier = IDASetSuppressAlg(mem, data->suppressAlg);
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDASetSuppressAlg", 1)) return(1);
- //ier= IDASetMaxNumStepsIC(mem, 1);
- //ier= IDASetMaxNumJacsIC(mem,8);
- //ier= IDASetMaxNumItersIC(mem,100);
- //ier= IDASetMaxBacksIC(mem,2000);
- //ier = IDASetLineSearchOffIC(mem,SUNTRUE);
- //////// DEBUG ///////////
- //if(data->dryRun){
- // ier = residue(tNow,y, ydot, res, data);
- // for(size_t k=0; k < data->nvar*data->npts; k++){
- // printf("%i: %15.6e\n",k,resdata[k]);
- // }
- // for(size_t k=0; k < data->nvar*data->npts; k++){
- // if(iddata[k] == 1){
- // ydotdata[k] = -resdata[k];
- // }
- // }
- // ier = residue(tNow,y, ydot, res, data);
- // for(size_t k=0; k < data->nvar*data->npts; k++){
- // printf("%i: %15.6e\n",k,resdata[k]);
- // }
- //}
- //for(size_t k=0; k < data->neq; k++){
- // if(iddata[k] == 1){
- // ydotdata[k] = -resdata[k];
- // }
- //}
- //////////////////////////
- if(!data->dryRun){
- printf("Calculating Initial Conditions:\n");
- printf("Cross your fingers...\n");
- ier = IDACalcIC(mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, 1e-05*finalTime);
- //If at first IDACalcIC doesn't succeed, try, try, try again:
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- ier = IDACalcIC(mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, (1e-01+pow(10,i)*finalTime));
- if(ier==0){
- break;
- }
- }
- //...or else cry again :(
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDACalcIC", 1)){
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(-1);
- }else{
- printf("Initial (Consistent) Conditions Calculated!\n");
- }
- ier = IDASetInitStep(mem,1e-12);
- }
- printSpaceTimeHeader(data);
- printGlobalHeader(data);
- printTimescaleHeader(data);
- printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->output, data);
- printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->gridOutput, data);
- getTimescale(data,&y) ;
- printTimescaleOutput(tNow, &y, data->timescaleOutput,data);
- if(!data->dryRun){
- count=0;
- double dt=1e-08;
- double t1=0.0e0;
- double xOld=0.0e0;
- double x=0.0e0;
- double dx=0.0e0;
- double dxMin=1.0e0;
- double dxRatio=dx/dxMin;
- int move=0;
- int kcur=0;
- if(data->adaptiveGrid){
- dxMin=data->grid->leastMove;
- //xOld=maxCurvPosition(ydata, data->nt, data->nvar,
- // data->grid->x, data->npts);
- xOld=isothermPosition(ydata, data->isotherm, data->nt,
- data->nvar, data->grid->x, data->npts);
- }
- while (tNow<=finalTime && R(1)>100e-9) {
- t1=tNow;
- /*Floor small value to zero*/
- floorSmallValue(data, &y);
- if(data->quasiSteady){
- ier = IDASolve(mem, finalTime, &tNow, y, ydot, IDA_ONE_STEP);
- }else{
- /*This prevents the solver from taking a step so large that
- *the droplet radius becomes negative.
- *TODO:Try adding the constraint that the droplet radius must
- * be a positive number*/
- ier = IDASolve(mem, tNow+dtMax, &tNow, y, ydot, IDA_ONE_STEP);
- //ier = IDASolve(mem, tNow+dtMax, &tNow, y, ydot, IDA_NORMAL);
- }
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDASolve", 1)){
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(-1);
- }
- dt=tNow-t1;
- ier = IDAGetCurrentOrder(mem, &kcur);
- if(data->adaptiveGrid==1 && data->moveGrid==1){
- x=maxCurvPosition(ydata, data->nt, data->nvar,
- data->grid->x, data->npts);
- //x=isothermPosition(ydata, data->isotherm, data->nt,
- // data->nvar, data->grid->x, data->npts);
- //x=maxGradPosition(ydata, data->nt, data->nvar,
- // data->grid->x, data->npts);
- dx=x-xOld;
- if(dx*dxMin>0.0e0){
- move=1;
- }else{
- move=-1;
- }
- //if(fabs(dx)>=dxMin && x+(double)(move)*0.5e0*dxMin<=1.0e0){
- dxRatio=fabs(dx/dxMin);
- if(dxRatio>=1.0e0 && dxRatio<=2.0e0){
- printf("Regridding!\n");
- data->regrid=1;
- printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->gridOutput, data);
- ier=reGrid(data->grid, x+(double)(move)*0.5e0*dxMin);
- if(ier==-1){
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(-1);
- }
- updateSolution(ydata, ydotdata, data->nvar,
- data->grid->xOld,data->grid->x,data->npts);
- storeGrid(data->grid->x,data->grid->xOld,data->npts);
- xOld=x;
- printf("Regrid Complete! Restarting Problem at %15.6e s\n",tNow);
- ier = IDAReInit(mem, tNow, y, ydot);
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDAReInit", 1)){
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(-1);
- }
- ier = IDASetInitStep(mem,1e-01*dt);
- printf("Reinitialized! Calculating Initial Conditions:\n");
- printf("Cross your fingers...\n");
- ier = IDACalcIC(mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, tNow+1e-01*dt);
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDACalcIC", 1)){
- ier = IDACalcIC(mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, tNow+1e+01*dt);
- }
- //Every once in a while, for reasons
- //that befuddle this mathematically
- //lesser author, IDACalcIC fails. Here,
- //I desperately try to make it converge
- //again by sampling increasingly larger
- //time-steps:
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- ier = IDACalcIC(mem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, tNow+(1e-01+pow(10,i)*dt));
- if(ier==0){
- break;
- }
- }
- //Failure :( Back to the drawing board:
- if(check_flag(&ier, "IDACalcIC", 1)){
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(-1);
- }
- printf("Initial (Consistent) Conditions Calculated!\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------\n\n");
- if(data->writeEveryRegrid){
- printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->output, data);
- FILE* fp;
- fp=fopen("restart.bin","w");
- writeRestart(tNow, &y, &ydot, fp, data);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- /*Floor small value to zero*/
- floorSmallValue(data, &y);
- if(count%data->nSaves==0 && !data->writeEveryRegrid){
- printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->output, data);
- //if(data->writeRates){
- // printSpaceTimeRates(tNow, ydot, data);
- //}
- }
- getTimescale(data,&y);
- if(count%data->nSaves==0){
- printTimescaleOutput(tNow,&y, data->timescaleOutput,data);
- //printSpaceTimeOutput(tNow, &y, data->output, data);
- //if(data->writeRates){
- // printSpaceTimeRates(tNow, ydot, data);
- //}
- }
- /*Print global variables only if time-step is of high order!*/
- if(data->nTimeSteps==0){
- data->flamePosition[0]=0.0e0;
- data->flamePosition[1]=0.0e0;
- data->flameTime[0]=tNow;
- data->flameTime[1]=tNow;
- }
- ier = IDAGetNumErrTestFails(mem, &netf);
- ier = IDAGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(mem, &ncfn);
- ier = IDADlsGetNumJacEvals(mem, &njevals);
- ier = IDADlsGetNumResEvals(mem, &nrevals);
- printf("etf = %ld ,"
- "nlsf= %ld ,"
- "J=%ld ,"
- "R=%ld ,"
- "o=%d ,",netf, ncfn, njevals, nrevals, kcur);
- printf("Time=%15.6e s,",tNow);
- printf("dt=%15.6e s,",dt);
- printf("frac: %15.6e\n",dxRatio);
- count++;
- data->nTimeSteps=count;
- }
- }
- SUNLinSolFree(LS);
- SUNMatDestroy(A);
- freeAtLast(mem,&y,&ydot,&res,&id,&atolv,&constraints,data);
- return(0);
- }
- void freeAtLast(void* mem,
- N_Vector *y,
- N_Vector *ydot,
- N_Vector *res,
- N_Vector *id,
- N_Vector *atolv,
- N_Vector *constraints,UserData data){
- IDAFree(&mem);
- freeSolution(y,ydot,res,id,atolv,constraints);
- freeUserData(data);
- }
- static int check_flag(void *flagvalue, const char *funcname, int opt)
- {
- int *errflag;
- /* Check if SUNDIALS function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
- if (opt == 0 && flagvalue == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
- funcname);
- return(1);
- }
- /* Check if flag < 0 */
- else if (opt == 1) {
- errflag = (int *) flagvalue;
- if (*errflag < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with flag = %d\n\n",
- funcname, *errflag);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- /* Check if function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
- else if (opt == 2 && flagvalue == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\nMEMORY_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
- funcname);
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }