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Modified the heat capacity of n-heptane

Weiye Wang 1 year ago
5 changed files with 41 additions and 15 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +1
  5. +37

DropletCombustion3 View File

+ 1
- 1
Makefile View File

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
compiler =g++
CANTERA_DIR =/opt/scientific/cantera-2.4_gnu_blas
IDA_DIR =/opt/scientific/sundials-3.1.1_intel_mkl
EXE =DropletCombustion2
EXE =DropletCombustion3
#DESTDIR =~/bin
DESTDIR = ../example

+ 2
- 1
UserData.cpp View File

@@ -358,7 +358,8 @@ UserData allocateUserData(FILE *input){
data->nvar=data->nsp+4; //assign no: of variables (R,T,P,Mdot,nsp species)

//Mass of droplet
data->massDrop=1.0/3.0*pow(data->Rd,3)*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
//data->massDrop=1.0/3.0*pow(data->Rd,3)*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
data->massDrop=1.0/3.0*pow(data->Rd,3)*684.00; //TODO: The density of the droplet(n-heptane) should be a user input

data->uniformGrid = new double [data->npts];

+ 1
- 0
main.cpp View File

@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ int main(){
"R=%ld ,"
"o=%d ,",netf, ncfn, njevals, nrevals, kcur);
printf("Time=%15.6e s,",tNow);
printf("dt=%15.6e s,",dt);
printf("frac: %15.6e\n",dxRatio);

+ 37
- 13
residue.cpp View File

@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ int setInitialCondition(N_Vector* y,
massDrop = data->massDrop;

//Mass of droplet
massDrop=1.0/3.0*Rd*Rd*Rd*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
//massDrop=1.0/3.0*Rd*Rd*Rd*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
massDrop=1.0/3.0*Rd*Rd*Rd*684.0; //TODO:The density of the droplet(n-heptane) should be a user input
psidata = data->grid->xOld;
@@ -820,15 +820,31 @@ int residue(double t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, N_Vector res, void *user_data){
Cvb=data->gas->cv_mass(); //J/kg/K
//TODO: Create user input model for these. They should not be constant
//Cpl=4.182e03; //J/kg/K for liquid water
Cpl= 5.67508633e-07*pow(T(1),4) - 7.78060597e-04*pow(T(1),3) + 4.08310544e-01*pow(T(1),2) //J/kg/K for liquid water
- 9.62429538e+01*T(1) + 1.27131046e+04;
//Cpl= 5.67508633e-07*pow(T(1),4) - 7.78060597e-04*pow(T(1),3) + 4.08310544e-01*pow(T(1),2) //J/kg/K for liquid water
// - 9.62429538e+01*T(1) + 1.27131046e+04;
/*Update specific heat:Cpl for liquid n-heptane*/
/*Based on the existiong data,a linear expression is used*/
// Cpl= 12.10476*T(1) - 746.60143; // Unit:J/(kg*K), Need to be improved later
Cpl = 2242.871642; //Unit:J/(kg*K),range:25~520K,Ginnings&Furukawa,NIST

//dHvl=2.260e6; //J/kg heat of vaporization of water
double Tr = T(1)/647.1; //Reduced Temperature: Droplet Temperature divided by critical temperature of water
dHvl= 5.2053e07*pow(1-Tr,0.3199 - 0.212*Tr + 0.25795*Tr*Tr)/18.01; //J/kg latent heat of vaporization of water
rhol = 997.0;
massDrop=1.0/3.0*R(1)*R(1)*R(1)*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
aream= calc_area(R(1),&m);
//double Tr = T(1)/647.1; //Reduced Temperature: Droplet Temperature divided by critical temperature of water
//dHvl= 5.2053e07*pow(1-Tr,0.3199 - 0.212*Tr + 0.25795*Tr*Tr)/18.01; //J/kg latent heat of vaporization of water
double Tr = T(1)/540.2; //Reduced Temperature:Droplet Temperature divided by critical temperature of liquid n-heptane, Source:NIST
dHvl = 5.366e5*exp(-0.2831*Tr) * pow((1-Tr),0.2831); //Unit:J/kg, latent heat of vaporization of liquid n-heptane, Source: NIST
/*Following section is related to the property of water*/
//rhol = 997.0;
//massDrop=1.0/3.0*R(1)*R(1)*R(1)*997.0; //TODO: The density of the droplet should be a user input
/*Following section is related to the property of liquid n-heptane (mainly density rho)*/
rhol = 684.0; //Unit:kg/m^3
massDrop = 1.0/3.0*R(1)*R(1)*R(1)*rhol; //Unit:kg, this is the mass of liquid droplet

aream= calc_area(R(1),&m);

/*Calculate values at j=2's m and mhalf*****************************/
@@ -855,12 +871,20 @@ int residue(double t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, N_Vector res, void *user_data){
//TODO: Antoine Parameters should be part of user input, not hardcoded
Yres(1,k_drop)=Y(1,k_drop) - 1.0e5*pow(10,4.6543-(1435.264/(T(1)-64.848)))*data->gas->molecularWeight(k_drop-1)
/ P(1) / data->gas->meanMolecularWeight();
//Yres(1,k_drop)=Y(1,k_drop) - 1.0e5*pow(10,4.6543-(1435.264/(T(1)-64.848)))*data->gas->molecularWeight(k_drop-1)
// / P(1) / data->gas->meanMolecularWeight();
//Yres(1,k_drop)=Y(1,k_drop) - 1.0e3*pow(2.71828,16.7-(4060.0/(T(1)-37.0)))*data->gas->molecularWeight(k_drop-1)
// / P(1) / data->gas->meanMolecularWeight();
/*Following using the Antoine Parameters to calculate the pressure of volatile component(n-heptane)*/
//Antoine parameter from NIST website
double p_i=0.0 ;
p_i = 1.0e5*pow(10,4.02832-(1268.636/(T(1)-56.199))) ;
Yres(1,k_drop)=Y(1,k_drop) - p_i * data->gas->molecularWeight(k_drop-1)
/ P(1) / data->gas->meanMolecularWeight();

Mdotres(1)=Mdot(1) - (YVmhalf(k_drop)*areamhalf) / (1-Y(1,k_drop)); //Evaporating mass
